Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello Bizi Bellas

Hello Bizi Bellas

Tiffani Chanil here, aka Tawana Phillips to share Millionairess/Billionairess info with you in the simplest terms possible.

I hear a lot of coaches promoting "Mind Set". Sounds pretty masculine. In life I have learned, whatever you think, you FEEL.

Ladies you and I know, Emotions drive everything. Especially if you’re a woman. Unkept emotions can cause you to do some pretty gnarly things.

Let's look at Emotions and see how they effect the THOUGHTS; 

America experienced the pain of the Newtown shooting. Poor kiddies and teachers. Unfortunately, a young man that had disturbing emotions that triggered dark thoughts led him to commit a horrible crime. His dark emotions that were not managed and could not be kept in check got the best of him; prompting an emotional rage and darkness that triggered his dark thoughtful planning which then led him to the shootings.

Emotions are the key ladies. If you can handle your emotions you can handle anything. Even in relationships women lose themselves and their emotions and lose everything to men. Men think with "mindsets" but even they know how to master their emotions in that particular instance.

Now lets address the time you were a little girl and really wanted that Barbie doll, you couldn’t have it, you were told no. Stay with me here. Where did you feel that emotion? I know for me it was in the space between my ribcage called the solar plexus, which is known as the power center, confidence, self-esteem and self worth. Even though it was legitimate your family did not have the money, it effected your emotional power center.

At the Association of Women Real Estate Investors, we attack the emotional aspects and help clear it. We use a luxury meter! After all Luxury is an Inside Job! We see where you are, and we address it!

Work with us to help you create a new emotional financial blueprint!!

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